Monday, March 11, 2019

Fog, Cobwebs and Life

  Early this morning, a heavy fog blanketed the Bayou.  My steps were softly muffled by the wet leaves and a certain stillness engulfed the area.  I was cut off from the "civilized" (and I use the word lightly there) world and was left in the wild for a bit.  It is always exhilarating at times like this.  The pea-soup thick fog made it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of me which always is a bit of a hair raising moment.  You get this feeling that all eyes are watching your every move.  To be honest, foggy mornings are my favorite time to hike.  The critters of the Bayou are out and about as they are concealed as well.  

  Of all the beauty that does surround me on these hikes, I think the spiderwebs are perhaps a favorite.  In the heavy fog, they become jewel-laden adornments for the tree branches or reeds.  This morning, there were hundreds of cobwebs draped among the limbs.  As I photographed some webs, a thought of how there is a similarity between the spiderwebs and life.  What seems simple at first sight, is actually more complex when you really began to study it.  The creation of the web takes time to perfect as does our own attempt to make our way in this old world.  Rush it and it becomes a mess.  One rash move can cause everything to come crashing down around us.  Even a small disturbance can have a ripple effect that makes things become discombobulated. 

  The similarity does not end with the trials that can create a mess. The spider does not give up when her web is torn by an intruder or sags due to water droplets.  She merely takes it down and rebuilds it to be even better.  In life, as with the spiderweb, to make things right again, you learn, rebuild and make things stronger than before.  That persistence to carry on is what makes things worth the effort.  Seeing the beauty that is created (and often recreated) gives us the desire to push forward and be better than before. Just like the spider spinning her elaborate web, we are creating our intricate, beautiful life.  It pays to do things calmly and rationally no matter how many times we have to redo them.  Fog. cobwebs and life...they all make you think.

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