Sunday, March 10, 2019

Left Behind...

  It is not unusual to see pelicans around the Bayou.  In fact, it is an unusual day when you cannot spot a dozen or more Brown Pelicans diving for fish or perched atop the pier posts soaking up the sunshine.  They are some of the "local folks" around here and we all take their presence in stride.  They beg for handouts and, then in return, mess up the pier with their poop.  There is not much you can do about it other than letting the rain do its job.  (Thankfully, we have been having lots of rain!)  These pelicans usually go by the name of "Gus" for just about everyone around here.  The Brown Pelicans are all named Gus....except one and that one is Cinderella (name courtesy of my granddaughter.)  The pelicans are so familiar with the people around here that they have lost all fear and just go about doing their every day things as we do ours.  Pelicans belong in the Bayou.

  This afternoon, I was watching a Brown Pelican dive in the shallows in the back of the Bayou when another fine, feathered friend caught my eye.  Paddling along with the Browns was a White Pelican!  This bird seemed to be out of place since there were no other White Pelicans anywhere to be seen.  Just a few weeks ago, dozens of the Whites were congregating but they seem to have already flown from the area.  I think they forgot something, however,  as they left this one.  

  While I love the Whites as much as the Browns, I am a bit curious why this one is lagging behind the group.  Hopefully, it is not hurt and will soon make its way back to its squadron.  Until then, it is welcome here.  There are plenty of little mullet for it to eat and there is safety from predators on the pier with the Browns.  

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