Sunday, March 31, 2019

She's Back!

  She is back!  And she is most welcome to stay.  Ms. Nycto, the Bayou Princess, has a way of endearing herself to those that are lucky enough to earn her favor.  If she likes you, she lets you know.  If she does not, she ignores you.  I have been "chosen" as the indoor second in favoritism.  She has been quite straightforward that Son is her "first".  She adores him so much so that she follows him everywhere.  But, as I said, I am the second favorite....while she is inside...and it is cold.  Then, she is "my" cat.

  All winter, Ms. Nycto elected to sleep at the foot of my bed.  This is nice as I am notorious for having cold feet at night.  I guess the circulation is poor or I am lacking certain vitamins...whatever.  The cat and her long fluffy fur went a long way in keeping me comfortable on winter nights.  Along about 4am, however, Ms. Nycto would worm her way up near my face for an hour of snuggles before fully demanding that I feed her.  We had a ritual of sleep, snuggles and snacks.  It was perfect for the two of us!

  Then, spring bounced in and my fickle cat moved herself upstairs to the guest bedroom.  There, she sprawled out on the queen-sized bed and the "Princess" became her own grand self.  I felt abandoned.  So much so that for several nights, I could not sleep.  I missed her presence.  I missed the loud, all-night purring.  I missed my foot-warmer and my alarm clock.  It did not seem right to be able to squirm about the bed without worry that I might kick the cat.  

  Well, that lasted for about two weeks.  Mother Nature is playing a trick on us by sending us an April Fool's joke.  The days are dreary rain and the nights are cold again.  I love it!  Why?  Because Ms. Nycto is back next to me again.  Her purring is soothing and my feet are warm.  There is nothing like a cat to make things seem perfect with the world.

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