Saturday, March 30, 2019

There Comes A Time

  While I love the wild look about the place, there comes a time when things need a bit of tidying.  Back behind the house where the remnants of the old peach orchard stands, I was a happy camper to find the lyre-leaf sage doing so well.  I thought to myself..."All is good.  The plants cannot take over too much back here and I shall have a ready source of the root if the need arises."  I was wrong.  The entire area is/was a  sea of purple.  The plants truly did take over the orchard.  In just one week's time, I went from a carpet of flat leaves to knee-deep purple blooms!  

  Son and I both cranked up the lawnmowers and gave the place a good trimming.  I went to the south side of the house while he cut on the north.  It never occurred to me that he would cut the sage.  He did.  In fact, he cut it all.  Now, the orchard is neat and trim.  It is no longer purple!  This is all good, however, as it takes more than a lawnmower to kill the sage.  It can be trimmed every week and still pop up with blooms.  And...I have to admit, it sure looks nice where he cut.

  Most folks find it strange that I say my medicine cabinet is in the yard but it seems that the wild herbs do a far better job at healing my ailments that most medicines.  While I am thankful for my doctors and their knowledge, for minor illnesses, I prefer to go the herbal route.  There comes the time, however, when I have to part with a few plants.  I guess that time was today.

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