Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sweeping the (Forest) Floor!

  I will say this about the weather on the Bayou, as of late.  It has been windy!  In fact, it has been windy and rainy for almost six months now.  Only a few days each month are sunny.  This is ok by me, however, as I am always up for a bit of rain.  The wind goes along with it so I accept that as well.  It is true that complaining about the weather has never changed it, so I say just go with what you are given.  No problems.

  While out behind the greenhouse this afternoon, a light swishing noise caught my attention.  What in the world could that be??  It reminded me of a broom being used to clean the floor.  Standing still, the sound led me to the source. Yep.  It pretty much was a broom sweeping the floor.  A branch of a yaupon shrub was being flung back and forth by the wind.  As it was bouncing around, it was doing a fine job of sweeping the forest floor.  A wide path was devoid of any fallen leaves!

  The wind once was, at one time,  a significant source of power for so many things but now has been replaced with more convenient methods.  The sweeping motion of the branch brought thoughts of how windmills and sails make use of this free energy source.  Folks used to use ingenuity and make use of what was on hand but those days have gone the wayside.  Now, let there be one short power outage and people are in a tizzy.  Sometimes, I think the times without all of our modern day conveniences was a lot better.  We are all spoiled and perhaps a bit lazy.  Maybe this branch was trying to tell me to get busy and rake the leaves.


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