Friday, April 26, 2019

Calling Loud And Clear!

  Back behind the house, the Frog Pond has been cleaned and is ready for more froggies.   The first round of tadpoles have already vacated the water and are well on their way to being adult frogs.  The rainstorm yesterday made all of the tree frogs think mating season has started anew.  Their nightly serenade was intense last night causing me to slip out the back door to photograph a few of our locals.  I had recently pruned the wisteria vine to practically a nub so it was relatively easy to find the frogs.  The green tree frogs have a keen knack for hiding in the leaves but with little foliage left on the vines, their camouflage was all for naught.

  One of the frogs was so intent on singing his song that he never noticed me.  He kept right on with his loud chirps regardless of the flash of the camera.  Mr. Frog was bound and determined to attract a female.  It tickled me to see this normally slender, graceful frog swell up to twice his normal size so he could let his song burst forth with gusto!  It did not take long until seemingly hundreds of other frogs were chirping in unison.  The noise was almost deafening.

  The Frog Pond is alive and well with several different types of frogs vying for the perfect spot to lay their eggs and assure another successful generation.  *Just a bit of trivia...Green Tree Frogs are also called Rain Frogs because of their penchant for singing during wet weather.  Their songs seem to be louder and stronger when rains are near.*

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