Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Face To Face WIth The Predator!

  There is one thing that is always holds true here on the Bayou.  You can always depend on something to catch your interest.  While it may not be something that you enjoy, it will be interesting.   Today's bit of (morbid) entertainment came around noontime.  I was cooking lunch when a strange noise alerted me that something not-so-nice was happening in the back yard.  Since we recently lost an entire nest of baby birds to some marauder, I figured that I had better investigate this call for help.

  As I quietly slipped out the back door and down the back steps, I had no idea that I would literally come face to face with a predator.  A snake was sort of precariously dangling from the top of the shed.  The twisting and torquing of the body told me that this snake was the cause but not the source of the noise.  The snake was in the process of trying to swallow a green tree frog.  This was a juvenile gray rat snake that was probably only about 15 inches in length and maybe a half inch thick.  The frog was a normal sized tree frog.  Even though the snake had quite a good grip on the frog, the frog was doing its best to escape.  One of the escape tactics the frog was employing was to inflate its body to nearly twice its normal size.  This indeed was helping as the snake was having a difficult time swallowing such a round object.  The squeaking sound that I heard was the frog being squeezed by the snake's jaws.

  My first instinct was to help the poor, doomed frog but, at the urging of Son, I had promised to stop interfering with nature.  "You have to let things happen, Mom."  So, I got to pondering about that snake and that frog.  I was not there to protect the insects that the frog ate before it met up with the snake so I should not protect the frog just because the snake needs a meal.  Plus, I really like rat snakes and this little one would have a doozy of a time trying to catch anything larger than the frog.  Given time, the snake will grow and move onto larger prey.  Perhaps it will clear out the shed of any rats or maybe catch a few of the squirrels that are devouring the peaches.  Any which way, the snake had his meal and I had the opportunity to learn a bit more about snakes and frogs.  Oh, and about the baby birds mentioned earlier, that dirty deed was definitely NOT done by this little rat snake.  Snakes swallow their prey whole....lets just leave it at that.

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