Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Getting Dirty!

  While most women want jewelry, a new car or clothes as gifts, I am a bit different.  As one of my friends commented, "You can tell a country girl by the gifts she likes to receive."  She was excited over a dump truck load of topsoil that had been delivered for her garden.  It was beautiful, rich, black dirt and made me wish for a load.  Living on a steep hill is rough on gardening.  Let a torrential rainstorm hit and all of my tilled garden dirt (along with every seed) soon washes into the Bayou.  For several years, I attempted to use raised garden boxes but, like every other wooden item in the area, termites soon ate my boxes.  I was back to ground planting and hoping for the best.

  When I mentioned to Mark that my friend had gotten the most beautiful dirt, he laughed, picked up his phone and ordered me a load.  "I guess this will be what I get you as a Mother's Day gift.  You are not going to be happy with anything else, are you?"  Nope!  I want dirt!  I want to plant!  I want my garden back!  So..I got dirt!

  Now I am as happy as a kid making mud pies!  Already, fig trees and avocado trees have found new homes in the rich soil.  The trees seem to be enjoying the new life.  Next, tomatoes, bell peppers, squash, okra and green beans will be wallowing in the "good dirt".  Life will be good for them and hopefully, they will repay me with lots of produce!  

  So, thanks Mark!  This is the perfect gift for this old, country girl!  Give me a load of dirt, a shovel and a bunch of seeds and I will be as happy as a lark!  

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