Saturday, April 6, 2019

Mr. PJ And Rain...He Was Not Amused

  It has always amused me to see dogs frolicking in puddles after a rainstorm or even playing out in the rain.  They seem to be having the best time just being dogs.  The animals are purely blissful and have no worries at the moment.  They are not worried what others think, how dirty they are or if they are getting chilled to the bone.  They just want to play.  People need to be more like that.  

  "I don't like the rain!"  Not me....that comes from the old dog, Mr. PJ.  While I love a good rainy day (or night), he simply hates them.  He is not prone to go gallivanting through the puddles nor likes to be muddy in any sense of the word.  Lord help us if his feet are dirty.  In fact, with the rains of late, he would just as soon stay in bed as venture outside.

  This is not by my doing.  I assume, as a puppy, he never had the opportunity to be "free and wild" in the rain.  Our old Bayou Dog, Ms. Ezzy, loved the rain.  She loved any water and would lounge in a pool, mud puddle, pond, bay, tub or just on a soggy blanket.  Of course, she was a "water dog" being part Labrador.  Ms. Ez was at her happiest when she was swimming.  I am hard pressed to get Mr. PJ in the tub to bathe him.  He sulks the entire time.  

  Yesterday, while out for a potty break, Mr. PJ was a bit agitated.  He did not wish to be outside and was determined to let me know that.  It was for only a split second that the door closed between us but you would have thought it was a lifetime.  The glare that I received because his feet were in a puddle was something else again.  If looks could kill, I would not be around to tell the tale.  I figure I am still here only because he cannot open the door himself.  He was not all. 

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