Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Debut!

  While the ospreys are just now choosing nesting sites, Mama Wren is busy hunting bugs.  Her five eggs have hatched and the young'uns are hungry!  Of course, she has the good sense of nesting in the greenhouse where it is nice and warm and where she can relax while setting.  The greenhouse is virtually free of predators.  Probably the only predator that can raid her nest would be a snake and since I am in the greenhouse daily, I try to make sure none are lurking nearby.

  Mama Wren has no qualms about me working near her nest.  This year, she built the nest about six inches from the front door.  This is the door that I use dozens of times each day.  Had she been frightened of me, she had ample opportunities to rebuild in a different spot before she nested.  Once she started setting, my entering never caused her to take flight.  She stayed put and I puttered about the place.  This morning, I had the opportunity to check the nest and found five hungry, little birds!  Exciting!

  This bring back memories of Pop's shed and a wren that nested on his work bench.  If he needed to use the work space, he would merely pick up the nest and move it to one side....with Mama Wren inside!  That little wren never worried about Pop being nearby just like my Mama Wren in the greenhouse.  These little birds are some of the most trusting in the avian world!  

  In a few weeks, the little ones will learn to fly in the safety of the greenhouse.  By the time they make their exit, they will be well on their way to having perfected the skill.  In the evening, however, the entire family will come back home to spend the night.  Smart birds!  I love sharing my space with them.

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