Wednesday, April 24, 2019


  Ok, so just a warning is being thrown out there to all vampires...I am armed!  Yep, I am armed to the max so don't mess with me!  Seriously, if garlic wards off vampires, I am fully prepared.  I've got garlic!  In fact, it seems as if I have enough garlic growing to supply (and/or protect...whichever the case may be) the entire neighborhood!

  This profuseness of garlic is all the doings of one sweet, elderly lady.  Back a month or so ago, Mark called and wanted to know if I could use some garlic "starts".  He was visiting an elderly couple and she wished to share her bounty with me.  Thinking I was going to receive a dozen or so garlic cloves, I agreed that it would be nice to have some.  A dozen or so?  No.  About fifty nice fat cloves came home with Mark.  So....I planted garlic.  

  If there is ever one thing I can grow well, it is obviously garlic.  Every last clove sprouted and the things are filling the planter boxes with healthy clove plants.  I am rich in garlic, if nothing else!  And I should be well protected against any harm from vampires or such!  Garlic, garlic everywhere!

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