Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Trying Day

  So...it has been a trying day, to say the least.  In fact, I might go as far as saying it has been a lousy day and that is something coming from someone who tries to find at least some good in everything.  Still, today has been one of those that I hope does not rear its ugly head too often.  I can do without the stress.

  First off, more termites.  LOTS more termites or, at least, evidence of where they have been.  This is in the small craft room.  Everything had to be moved.   Have you ever moved a craft room on short notice?  Not fun but I had no choice.  If I wanted anything to not come crashing down around me, it had to be moved.  Son's childhood friend just happened to stop by so I had help.  He understands my predicament and my distaste for termites. Thankfully, the buggers have vacated this small area of the house but have probably moved on to munch a different spot.  The battle is never ending.   Then, the discovery was made that the entryway (which I just redid) has to be partially "deconstructed" which means all my work was for naught.  All of the decorative touches and furniture had to be moved.  This, I did by myself.  Again...not fun.

  This being April, the grasshoppers are hatching.  Not your normal, cute green grasshoppers but the ugly, plant devouring Eastern Lubber Grasshoppers.  Those vile things that hatch out in hordes and devour everything in sight.  My battle with them occurs twice daily and I still make no progress in eradicating them.  These things are toxic so I receive no help from my Bayou critter friends in this war.  This year seems to be an especially "good" year for the grasshoppers because there are more than ever.  I am about to give up and resign myself to never see another green plant for the entire spring.  Not fun...

  Aside from the ongoing termite and grasshopper saga, there is something amiss in the backyard.  There is a "dead".  I am not sure what has died but there is definitely something dead back there.  For a solid hour, I searched.  The smell is highly concentrated next to the outdoor storage room but I found nothing.  I am beginning to think that a few blue crabs from Mark's last crab boil met their demise under the storeroom.  That is not fun either.

  Later, amid all of the trouble of the day, Mr, PJ, the old dog, seemed to have some sort of "spell".  His breathing changed and he seemed greatly lethargic.  This scared the bejeebies out of me.  Knowing there is nothing the vets can do for him at this stage, I did nothing but flop down by him to console him.  As I sat holding him like a baby, he kept licking my hand as if to show me he appreciated the comforting.  This breaks my heart and is definitely NOT FUN!

  Lastly, Ms. Nycto, the Bayou Princess Cat, was attacked by a rogue tomcat and made an escape up to the top of a tall but spindly tree.  She can climb up but can never climb back down.  I sure can NOT climb up.  Twice I have chased the marauding tom away but each time he came back.  Tonight, Ms. Nycto is still in the tree and THAT breaks my heart.  I am hoping and praying that the big old owl does not attack her.  Not fun...not fun...today was not fun.  Today was stressful...

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