Thursday, May 23, 2019

I Hate Termites!

  Most of the time, I get along really well with the critters of the Bayou.  It is almost unheard of for me to wish harm to any one of them....almost.  Almost because I really do wish to eradicate one species from the whole place.  I have no desire to ever see another nor do I ever wish to see the evidence left behind by these critters. I could definitely do without them.

  Termites.  Termites are some of the most vile creatures ever to call the Bayou home. I absolutely loathe them  Why?  Because termites literally eat you out of house and home.  In fact, they EAT the home.  We have been battling termite damage in the Little Bayou House for several years now.  We are making progress but it is slow going.  There is nothing like fully believing that your upstairs could become your downstairs at any given moment.  I have had that fear.  With a lot of hard work and more money than I want to think about, Mark and Son are making great headway against the destruction but, at times, it seems overwhelming.  Just about the time I think we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we find more damage.  At this rate, we will soon have a new house.

  This afternoon, I was moving a few logs out of the new path when I found thousands of termites crawling on the ground.  The critters were not happy with my disturbance.  They started scurrying quickly beneath the ground.  The bright, hot sun would have meant a quick demise for the critters.  Oh, how I wish that would happen!  These are the subterranean termites that normally stay underground and come to the surface to destroy any wood that happens to be nearby.  They are also the ones that will build small earthen tunnels to reach wood.  These tunnels are the key to their moving into homes.  The passageway helps the termites to slip in and take over before anyone notices.  Once they are detected. it is usually too late. The damage has been done and the house is weakened.  Thankfully, (hopefully), we will save the Little Bayou House from this destruction like we have so many other things.  It is tiring.  I hate termites.

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