Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Not a Cottonmouth!

  I am first to admit that my vision is far from what it used to be even with the glasses that are always with me.  Not that it is terrible but sometimes, I do have trouble.  Couple that declining vision with a bunch of shadows and things can get downright befuddled.  Take this morning, for instance.  I was out at dawn with the old dog.  He had another rough night so I wanted to get him fed, out and back to his bed as quickly as possible. He needed his rest.  So, as we were slowly meandering down to his "spot", I had time to scan the marsh line for critters.  The tide was high and there was a bit of a south wind.  Suddenly, I spied something in the shallows where the water had come above the marsh line and was puddling in the underbrush.  A undulating movement of something...long, round, dark and wiggly.  Uh, oh.  Perhaps this was that large cottonmouth that I had seen earlier in the spring.  I was sure glad the old dog was not nearby.

  After I got him back safely inside, I ventured out to find my "snake".  I wanted to make sure the thing did not decide to make itself at home on the path to Mr. PJ's loo.  By now, the sun was starting to brighten things a bit which gave me a much better view.  To my surprise, that "snake" was still in the same spot...still undulating. 

  Whew!  I breathed a sigh of relief.  That "snake" was no snake, at all!  Some storm must have washed an old bike inner tube into the marsh and the high tide of this morning pushed it further ashore.  My "snake" was completely harmless.  There was no need to worry about Mr. PJ this morning.  Still, I will scan the path each time he walks.  With his vision and sense of smell going the wayside, I have to be extra vigilant....even to the point of watching for those "dangerous" bike tubes!

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