Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Musings at Sunrise

  It is my nature to rise with the sun each day.  This is a throwback from growing up on the farm.  The day's chores would start early so as to beat the heat.  Pop would usher us out to the fields to hoe the long rows just after breakfast.  Usually, the sun was just peeking over the horizon as we started our work.  Today, is no different.  My outside chores are usually done early so I can relax during the heat of the day.  It is those early moments before the chores begin, that are my favorite of the day.

  This morning as I walked with the old dog, the sun was rising over the pines and sending happy beams across the yard.  The contrast between the sun-dappled areas and the deep shadows was striking and sent me into complete serenity.   This must be why folks have always claimed that there is something magical about bayous.  The peace and quiet seeps into your soul and gives strength.  Hopefully, I will never grow too old to hike the hillside as I would truly miss sights like this.  I am sure glad Pop instilled it in me that it is good to rise with the sun!

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