Monday, May 6, 2019

Perfect Order

  Every now and again, Mother Nature just loves to remind us how she has things in control.  While we tend to believe that all of the wild is just that...wild, Mother Nature often tames that energy into something quite peaceful and beautiful.  Amid the chaos comes tranquility.  There are constant reminders that there is a perfect order.

  Down behind the greenhouse, a tall water oak tree stands proudly against the winds of the bay.  This tree is a good three feet in diameter and probably stands forty feet in the air.  Each year, squirrels nest in this tree so there is a constant showering of small twigs as they trim the branches to line their nests.  This is also along the path that I take the old dog on his daily walks.  Mr. PJ loves the new smells of the wildlife that passed this way the night before.  The squirrels, however, do not even attempt to dodge the dog as they realize that he is too old and tired to give chase.  They do occasionally drop branches from the treetop and seemingly try to smack the dog with them.  Luckily, each branch has missed him and he goes about his business unaware that there are rogue rodents out to irritate him.

  One such branch came twirling to the ground almost like a mini helicopter.  The falling was chaotic.  Round and round, it went until finally plopping to the ground. When it alit, the leaves spread perfectly in a fan shape.  The coincidental landing was one of those reminders from Mother Nature.  The frenetic turmoil in which the twig twirled as it dropped caused the leaves to flare out in calm precision.  Amidst the chaos comes order...neat, sublime and in tune with nature.  All is good!

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