Tuesday, May 7, 2019

I'm Miffed!

  Now I have just about seen it all!  I am used to having people get miffed or even downright mad at me for things I do.  It is not that I go out of my way to irritate folks but I sure seem to get the job done and well!  I guess I am just good at what I do!  More likely, folks are probably upset with me because I do not hold things back too well.  But this??

  Then, there are the critters of the Bayou.  I never thought I would get one of them upset with me but I have or, at least, that appeared to be the case.  Yesterday, I was doing a bit of trimming of weeds when I decided to walk down the pier.  Son and I made a quick trip to check the old skiff.  While he was in the boat repairing the pump, I watched a lizard.  A green anole was sunning on the pier planks.  I figured I would get a few photographs while we were there and the lizard was a handy target.  I eased my way closer to the critter only to have it ease a few inches further away.  This creeping and crawling went on for a good ten feet before the lizard decided to show its disdain for my actions.  It turned and glared at me!  I never knew a critter could show how miffed it was by a single glare!  I certainly got the message that the lizard was not please with  me following it.

  The green anoles seem to love the marsh.  There, they can feast upon the millions of insects that also live in the reeds.  That is not to say that life is easy for them because even though they are a predator, there are larger threats to them hiding in the marsh.  Snakes, turtles and birds all would love to dine upon a fat lizard.  I suppose the green anole thought that I was just another predator out to get it and shot me that look as a warning to back off!  "Hey, human!  I can run faster than you!  Leave me alone!"  

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