Thursday, May 2, 2019

Something Up My Sleeve!

  I have never been one to be squeamish about the critters one finds on the Bayou.  In fact, I have often claimed that I like the critters better than I do most people.  You always know what you are facing when dealing with a critter.  I come across dozens and dozens of all sorts of critters each day in my daily hikes and chores.  None have ever given me reason to be frightened.  

  In the Frog Pond, one expects to find...well, frogs.  There is a myriad of other critters in there, as well.  Dragonfly larvae, water bugs, snakes, toads and bunches of other aquatic creatures fill the pond.  Today, one of the potted plants, a willow tree, had toppled over with the stiff winds.  No problem.  I would just reach in, right the plant and go about my merry way.  One of the critters of the pond had other thoughts about my intrusion.  A rather large fishing spider decided to hitch a ride on my arm while I was shuffling around with the willow tree.  This did not bother me except for the fact that the spider decided to climb up my arm and into the baggy sleeve of the oversized T-shirt that I was wearing.  Now a spider on the arm is one thing but a spider inside the shirt is quite another.

  It was obvious that I could not shed the shirt in the middle of the yard so there was nothing to do but find the closest place to seek a bit of privacy.  Luckily, that was the laundry room.  It did not take long for me to peel off that shirt, ball it up and toss it on the back porch!  Thankfully, I had not folded the laundry yet and a fresh, clean shirt was within reach.  Oh, the things that happen on the Bayou!  It all ended well, however.  I managed to rid myself of the spider and stay relatively private while doing it.  The spider came out of its adventure unscathed and was soon seen bouncing across the grass to the safety of the Frog Pond.  What an experience!

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