Early this afternoon, it was quite evident that the north wind has dried things a good bit. The garden needed watering so I set out with the hose. Well, one thing led to another and I wound up even watering the pathetic looking herbs. They have all seen better days as they are waning. But...I watered. While watering the herbs, a bright red mushroom caught my attention. It had grown between the bricks of the front steps and actually looked quite healthy. I pondered how in the world that poor, little thing found enough nutrients to, not only survive, but thrive!
That pondering got me to sort of comparing that mushroom to the fine fix this nation has gotten itself into. The powers that be are shooting prices out the ceiling with nothing more than indecisions and fighting among themselves. Our ancestors are probably shaking their heads at the weakness we are showing the world. Like that mushroom, we are now between a rock and a hard place and it is only going to get worse. Also, like that mushroom, we need to make the best of it and survive....literally thrive. It can be done with ingenuity and hard work but most are not willing to go that route....this already shows.
Folks, get ready. Things are going to get worse before they get any better. That pendulum has to hit rock bottom before it starts making that upswing again. I can only hope that everyone is heeding the warnings and taking some proactive steps. Otherwise, there are going to be a lot of folks not making it out of that rock and a hard place. They will be stuck.
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