Sometimes, Mother Nature just cannot make up her mind. She, like so many of us, can be described as downright fickle! Frosty one day, hot the next seems to be the norm now. I am ok with that but, my goodness, Mother Nature, don't go smacking the seasons totally together! That just gets far too confusing for everyone!
Early this morning, I wandered through the gardens only to wind up behind the greenhouses. Being as this area is sheltered from the north wind, I had left the potted lemon trees on the little back deck with good intentions of finally getting them transplanted in the ground. Since the other citrus trees fare well during our winters, I figured there was not much use in lugging the huge pots into the greenhouse. The trees did well and I was fully surprised to see new growth and large buds on the branches! Whoa! Hold on, Lemon Trees! It is not spring yet! The trees begged to differ, however. As I looked, I began to notice more and more buds on all four lemon trees. Well, if a late freeze does come, I suppose I shall be hauling the trees into the greenhouse after all just to try to save the blooms. Mother Nature! You sure are pushing it! I shook my head in disbelief.
Turning back toward the garden, a flash of red caught my eye. Oh, my! Just a few steps before, it was spring! Now, it is fall! Yep, one of the Sweetgum trees was in its glory with red leaves! The bright red leaves brought some much needed color to the yard but that poor tree must totally be confused! The small tree stuck out like a sore thumb among all the drab of winter.
Huh? Wait! It IS supposed to be winter! Fall was several months ago! Come on, Mother Nature! Really? Spring and fall right in the middle of winter? My thoughts were jumbled. I was trying to wrap my head around what was happening here as I slapped a mosquito that was buzzing around my ear. Mosquito??? Oh, no....summer, too? Mother Nature! This is too much! Stop it! *Just as an added note...our temperatures reached nigh on 80 degrees this afternoon but are supposed to plummet into the 30s tonight. Crazy!
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