While it still seems early for insects to be devouring the garden, they are. You would think that not many could stand the chilly weather but my cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower will beg to differ with that idea. I can handle the caterpillars or cabbage worms as they are easy to spot and, also, the wrens love them. They are not the problem. The worst is the cabbage aphids (often called plant lice). Those little critters can suck the life out of a broccoli plant in a few days. Plus, they just keep on multiplying. It is an endless task trying to beat those little suckers.
Then...today, a helper came to lend a hand and I am in hopes that many more will find their way to the garden. I was sitting on the front steps as I sipped a glass of water. I had been planting blueberry bushes and, well, digging that many holes is a tad difficult. As I was resting, I noticed a slight movement to my left. There, a pretty little green bug was trying to dry its wings. Oh, my goodness! The warmth of the bright sunshine had brought out a lovely Stink Lacewing. (A not so lovely name for the pretty little thing but they do smell bad if you poke at them.) The Lacewings are garden helpers in the best way! They eat a ton of pests.
I watched as the little thing sunned and tested the area with its cute antennae! Once its wings were stable, the lacewing took flight over the garden fence and to the broccoli! I can only hope it has a ton of siblings as there are enough aphids to feed an entire army of them! Carry on, Stink Lacewing! Carry on.
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