A few days ago, I jokingly made a post on social media about a seagull that decided to "friend" me. For some reason, the pun flew by most folks and all remarked about how nice the gull appeared. Yep, I was, indeed, poking fun at the sudden rash of "friend requests" I had received on the site. Most of those were not valid requests and were followed by the usual "I did not make a new account! Do NOT accept a friend request from me!" The bird, however, did validate its requested friendship by visiting me again today. We had a grand time sitting in the warm sunshine while discussing the fishing techniques of each other. Then, I threw the net, caught a few menhaden and the bird feasted. (No wonder this bird wants to be friends! I have been hoodwinked into catching its breakfast!)
This is a immature laughing gull and they are known as the "beggars of the bird world". These birds would just as rather beg, borrow or steal lunch than catch it. They only "work" if absolutely necessary. They are pretty much jerks that will show up to dine at any banquet even if they were not invited. Other birds have to catch their breakfast then be quick and agile enough to evade the sneaky gulls.
So..you may rightly ask why I catch food for the gull. I do simply to allow the terns to eat in peace. If the gull is getting its fill of menhaden on the pier, it is most likely not going to expend energy chasing down a tern to steal its food. (Did I mention that I really like the terns?) I shall continue to feed my "friend" (even if I use the term in jest) and enjoy watching the terns dive for their own meals.
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