Friday, October 21, 2022

Sluggish Wasps!

  It is not often that I have to think of a warm spot for the potted plants this early.  Usually, the "prepare for pets, plants, pipes and people" warning start springing up on the weather report during late November.  Being this far south does give us a little time to prepare for things.  But, the beginning of this week saw those warnings being flipped around so I decided that the night blooming cereus plants needed some protection then one thing led to another and I wound up putting all of the plants into the greenhouse.  I figure that I may as well go ahead and just do it.  The chore is not one I relish.  Some of the plants are huge and moving them is rather arduous.  I literally had to "bearhug" those things!   But the chore is done and, for the next few months, the plants will live in the it or not!  The morning that I did this was quite chilly which turned out to be a blessing in disguise!

  After I shoved the last plant into its spot, I felt a gentle bump a on my face.  Thinking that a leaf or something might have fallen, I brushed it off and thought no more about it.  Then...another!  Uh, oh!  I know quite well what was giving me those "warning bumps".  Wasps!  Sure enough, there were a dozen or so wasps flying about the greenhouse. Did I unknowingly lug a wasp nest into the greenhouse with the plants?  I had noticed dozens of treefrogs and lizards but wasps?  

  Sure enough, there was a nice sized wasp nest up under one of the leaves of the rubber tree plant.  I had bearhugged that sucker all the way into the greenhouse without a sting!  The cool morning air had the wasps sluggish but, once inside, they began to warm up and not appreciate the rough move.  Needless to say, I vacated the greenhouse and left the door open.  Later, the critters were gone and I was able to find and dispose of the nest.  Whew!  It sure made me thankful for the cool weather!

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