Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Always Look Before Dropping!

   The past few weeks found me bit unmotivated.  I did not really want to be doing much of anything.  The days could have been spent doing absolutely nothing and I really would not have complained.  Still...I did.  It was time to delve into the craft room and do a bit of organizing and purging.  Somehow, I had collected far too much stuff with good intentions of doing...it did not happen.  So, it was purge time!  When I started, the days were dreary so Mr. Bat, the Bayou Prince Cat, stayed inside to help me.  This was probably not the best idea but I welcomed his company.  He always makes things much more interesting, if not downright amusing.

  At one point in my cleaning, I decided to pull some yarn for the start of a new afghan.  (Perhaps a bit of creativity would brighten the spirits.)   It is my custom to pull all the yarn needed and put it in a lovely basket that Mark bought for me several years ago.  That basket holds just enough to finish a full-sized afghan!  Deciding on the colors, I pulled skein after skein.  With my arms full, it was time to plop it all in the basket.  Oops!  Nope!  That basket had been claimed as a new cat bed!  

  It is a good thing that I looked before plopping all that yarn into the basket.  Poor Bat would have been terrified and a scared cat in a craft room is not a grand idea.  Can you imagine him careening off the boxes of beads, hitting the carefully placed bottles of paint and then bolting up the curtains to top shelf holding the vials of sequins, glitter and seed beads?  Oh, goodness!  My half cleaned craft room would have been in shambles!  What a "cat-astrophe" that would have been. My foresight saved me!

  Instead of using the yarn basket, I simply dropped my armload onto the sofa and hoped for the best.  Perhaps Mr. Bat will tire of his new sleeping quarters soon and I can reclaim the container.  I will admit that the idea of starting a new project has lifted the spirits and I am happy to say that the craft room is now somewhat organized.  (Time to not collect more craft supplies and, also, keep that cat out of there!)

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