Thursday, May 16, 2024

They're Gone...

   Each summer, a Carolina Wren will make a nest in my greenhouse/swamp shack.  This year, she chose a galvanized tub filled with huge pine cones that I had saved for my sister-in-law.  How the tiny bird squirmed her way into the midst of those prickly cones, wallowed out a spot large enough for the nest then build that nest without me noticing is quite the feat.  But...she did.  Then, she laid 5 beautiful, splotchy colored eggs and began her "sit" time.  Several times, I came close to accidently upsetting her but she held her spot and after a couple of weeks, she hatched her brood.  Then came the chore of feeding those 5 hungry mouths!  She and the male bird were constantly flitting in and out of the greenhouse/swamp shack.  I was careful to avoid the area as much as possible.

  At one point, it was necessary for me to retrieve some gardening tools that were just a couple of feet away from the nest so I took the opportunity to check the babies!  Those little rascals were already getting too large for their comfy home and were pushing each other out to the edge.  I knew it was time for them to make their first flight within days.  I, also, knew that Mr. Bat, the Bayou Prince Cat, would be an indoor kitty for a few days.  I was determined to let those little cuties learn the art of flying and foraging without the interference of a cat.  

  Sure enough, the birds made their exit the very next day.  It was a drizzly sort of day so the cat did not complain (much) about being cooped up inside.  He got extra treats, the birds took their first flight and all is well.  The greenhouse/swamp shack now seems empty so it is a good time for me to clean it up a bit.  The birds still come to roost near their snug nest each evening so that area will stay the same for the time being.  Happy flying, Little Ones!  I am glad your mama chose the safest place for your upbringing!

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