As I age, things around me have started to look a lot differently than they did before. Perhaps my eyesight is really on that downhill slide or maybe I am just taking the time to really, really see things. You know, there is a huge difference between looking at things and actually seeing them. Now, I see things. I see things as they really are but also how they could possibly be seen from an imaginative view. Both perspectives are intriguing.
This morning as the sunbeams started peeping over the pines on the far side of the Bayou, the flowering heads of the cord grass in the marsh were literally glowing. The reality side of me knew that this was due to the angle of the sun causing the beams to hit the tufted tops and leaving the lower part of the marsh darkened. The imaginative side of me saw the lanterns of the Will-o-the Wisps. Legend has it that these tiny spirits used their lanterns to lure unsuspecting travelers into the bogs. There the travelers would become mired forever...never to be seen again. Yes, my mind travels in weird patterns.
All of this does make you wonder if views like this morning's was the basis for many of the folktales that can be found drifting around the bayous. Sitting on the pier in the darkness of the predawn hours makes you ponder a lot of things.