Thursday, December 16, 2010


Sometimes on the darkest of nights, a mere hint of twinkling light can be see over the marsh. This twinkling usually lasts just a fraction of a second causing a person to question if it was really seen. "Will-o-the-wisp"! One legend claims that the Will-o-the-wisp are marsh sprites. Those little beings that flit about the marshes playing all sorts of tricks on unsuspecting passersby. These little sprites or pixies flicker their lanterns just enough to lure curious onlookers into the bogs. Then, depending upon the teller of the tale, the outcome could be either as benign as giggling faeries or as evil as sudden death. I like the giggling faeries concept since I tend to try looking on the lighter side of things and don't really want to contemplate murderous marsh sprites that might dwell in my Bayou. The pixie lights in question have been theorized as little blips of "swamp gas" that spontaneously combust. Scientists claim that as plant or animal matter decomposes in the mud, tiny bits of gas are released. This "gaseous bubble" (and we won't touch that one!) escapes the mud's hold and rises above the surface only to spontaneously light on fire for a split second. Alrighty now..sounds logical..but I still like the giggling sprites!

Now that we know what the Will-o-the-wisps are, I will tell you a little about my "Will-o-the-wisp" dolls. Back several months ago, with the help of my talented daughter, I started making rag dolls. That is when Agatha and Belina were born..they were featured in an earlier post. My daughter designed the pattern and does the sewing and I get to play "dress-up" with the dolls. These dolls are not the "play with" dolls that would be given to toddlers. There are far too many things that might come loose with rough play. These Will-o-the-wisp dolls are more for the older group..teenagers that want something to brighten the students that might want a conversation piece.. or simply someone that likes unique things. Last week, my cousin came to visit and informed me that I needed to name the line of dolls..she made a suggestion which was adorable but I needed something that could be associated with the Bayou. I thought and thought. The tale of the Will-o-the-wisps came to mind. Yes..that is it. Will-o-the-wisp! The name seemed to fit and the happy dolls now had a label! I worked today to finish another sprite. This one definitely is a bit unique..not that the other two were any too commonplace. The birth of Coralina

was quite the occasion. She is my "hippie" sprite. From her bright orange hair held in place with
a headband to frayed denim skirt, she is a surefire flowerchild! She makes me smile! Then came Delia..she is a cross between sophistication and funkiness! Purple and blue hair just speaks of sophistication and elegance! Then add a teal and purple rattail on the back and whoa! funkiness! hehe! Each one is two could ever be the same just as I a sure no two marsh sprites could ever be identical. Things from the imagination can be a wild and free as the mind can make them and well..these are a bit on the wild side!

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