Painting the roses red..something from "Alice in Wonderland" a most unusual tale written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson better known in the literary world as Lewis Carroll. No..I was not painting my roses red, but rather painting the masses of windows in my livingroom. And it is red! To be certain, it is a dark "Barn Red" but red nonetheless. In my minds eye last night, it was gorgeous! I was right! This is one of those times when something so off the eccentric..turned out well. Admittedly, this is not for everyone. Not many would want red in their livingroom..I did. The only thing that was not correct in my imagination last night (before I started painting) was the amount of time and effort it would involve to paint said windows. I lounged on the sofa staring at the windows with their newly installed casing boards..thinking of the possibilities. In that vast imaginary world of my mind, I was going to complete the painting in about two hours..HA!!! I awoke early this morning and pumped myself full of coffee..two huge mugs and I was ready to paint! I popped Christmas albums in the CD player and turned it up neighbors across the Bayou would surely enjoy waking to the lovely sounds of Christmas! Several of the windows were flung open and I, armed with a multitude of paint brushes and rags started right in painting the first window. I sang as I worked..I was happy! My red windows were awe inspiring! Nothing would stop me until I finished! I painted! ...... I painted...... I painted some more. Oh my..this was taking longer than I thought. I painted. Why did I talk my husband into putting ten large windows in this room? Who in their right mind needs ten windows in one room?? I painted. For seven hours, I listened to Christmas carols and slapped paint. At the end of seven hours, I collapsed onto the sofa. I stared
at the windows..the half-painted windows sat there staring back. I think they were smirking at me..the windows knew! They knew that I would never be able to complete this task in one day! I am not quite sure just how windows think but after seven hours with a paintbrush in hand, anything is possible. Just a thought.. how come my house is a meeting place for everyone and their brother until I start a major project? Nary a sole stopped in to offer a helping paintbrush-wielding hand. So tomorrow..I start again..paintbrush, rags, Christmas music..I WILL complete this task! I WILL have my red windows! I WILL collapse in a heap on the sofa again tomorrow evening and vow never to change paint colors again on these windows!
Speaking of roses, I am not sure what is happening in my rose garden. Three of my largest bushes have bit the dust. Almost overnight, they went from healthy blooming bushes to dried crispy brambles. It makes me sad to think that I could not save them. There did not seem to be any dire disease that caused them to wither as it was not a slow process. They literally went from healthy to DEAD in two days, almost as if they were burned. The strangest part is that the neighboring bushes are still fine. I did notice a tunnel under the mulch causing me to wonder if some critter chewed the roots. After the painting is finished, I will rake back the mulch and see if the cat, Ms. Put is not doing her job of keeping the garden rodent free. There was one beautiful yellow rose trying to cheer me..I hope whatever has attacked the others does not take a notion to besiege this one, too.
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