Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cold days call for desperate measures!

The Bayou has already seen its share of cold days this winter. The north wind whips down the hill out to the end of the pier something fierce. Usually, I never think twice about letting our cat, Ms. Put our of the house anytime she wants to escape from being underfoot, but today it was just too cold for comfort. I tried my best to keep her inside but she was having no part of that! She won and out she went! As old as she is, she is a most hardy cat. She loves being inside by the fireplace but she will let out a bloodcurdling howl if you do not open the door when she decides! Ms. Put is a very feisty cat that does not think twice of attacking anything that invades her territory nor does she worry about a bit of weather. Hot or cold, rainy or matters not, she wants out when she wants out and not a minute later! So I opened the door, she sniffed the air and after a few minutes of deciding, she was on her way to explore the garden. Ahh, my brave Kitty! A few hours later as I was meandering around outside, I spied her sleeping in a sunny corner of the garden. So that is where she sneaks off to hide! Then I had to start laughing! She was sleeping in the sun alright, but it was the funniest object that she chose as a bed. There she was sound asleep in a wire hanging basket that had fallen to the ground. This would not have been so hilarious had the basket still had its liner, but it was empty. I cannot imagine that the wire was doing much to protect her from the wind. I tried to persuade her to reenter the house where at least it is some warmer. Nope..she just looked at me and yawned, then went back to sleep! I love this dear little cat and would not have her any different! Feisty, fickle, and finicky..I believe the words were created just to describe Ms. Put!

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