Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Christmas on the Bayou was quieter than usual this year. My daughter and son-in-law were not able to come home and my son and daughter-in-law should arrive late this evening. I am not used to having such a laid back holiday..the hustle and bustle was more like a slow crawl. The stockings were not hung by the chimney with care, they stayed in a box on the table. There was no rushing down the stairs to see if Santa wrapping paper flying squeals of delight. Perhaps I just missed seeing Christmas through the eyes of little children or perhaps it really is that I just got a late start. Whatever it was, it was too quiet. I was told that maybe a "slow" holiday is good now and again..nah, I like the busy, busy, "run-around-crazy" type Christmases! I think I will start tomorrow to make sure next year there is a full blown "old-fashioned" Christmas on the Bayou. Maybe a party! A party with caroling, ornament exchange and eggnog!

My youngest son and I have started a tradition of making game boards as gifts and this year was not different. In the past, we made chess boards and Chinese checker boards. This year, we crafted Mancala boards. This is a game from Africa that involves moving forty-eight "stones" about the board. My son made the boards and I did the painting and created boxes to hold the game "stones". I am hoping those receiving them, appreciate the fact that neither he nor I have any knowledge of woodworking! It was all experimentation on making cuts and fitting the pieces together. I told him that for next year, we need to start a tad earlier like maybe..NOW!

A very special friend sent me a gift today that I just think is so beautiful that I had to share it. I sort of challenged this young lady to exchange homemade ornaments with me instead of buying gifts. This challenge was given a few years back when she had one child..she now has three..her adorable little boy and a set of twins, boy and girl. I feel a bit guilty that she still feels the need to make the ornaments but I must admit that each year, I can hardly wait to see what she creates. This year, the ornaments are incredible! They have a very "home" feel to them. She took blocks of wood, attached scrapbook paper to them and then embossed them with inspiration words. The timing could not have been I said, I have felt like Scrooge lately and these small ornaments boosted the spirits tremendously. Thank you, Toni! I love these!

Merry Christmas..........a party!..caroling!..eggnog!....hmmmmm....maybe we could also..............and to all, a good night!

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