Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Garden Shadows!

"Shadow..an area where direct light from a light source cannot reach due to obstruction by an object."....  At least, that is what Wikipedia tells us it is!  I say that is all fine and dandy but I tend to think a shadow is pure fun!  I have this thing about shadows and my imagination.  Once I see the clear image of some object being cast upon a wall or other object, my brain starts whirring with fun ideas!  This morning, Michael and I were out taking advantage of the sunshine.  The fence to the old Rose Garden/new Herb Garden needed moving.  I had taken down a good bit of the fencing and a lot of the posts but some remained in their original spots.  The sudden onslaught of a rainy week threw my project quite out of kilter!  Michael being the stronger of us, volunteered to help move the fence.  We took down old fencing, moved posts and then waited for Mark to get back from the building supply place with new fencing.

While we waited, I noticed that the sun sure felt good beaming down on my tired shoulders!  I, also, noticed shadows!  There on the steps of the back deck were the shadows of tiny Oxalis blooms!  Lets just say that not a lot of work got done after I spied the shadows!  Michael and I talked about how sharp the images were and how you could definitely tell what type plant was casting the dark spots.  After a bit, he up and left me there with my thoughts.  That did it!  He should know by now to never leave me while my imagination is in full swing!  Too many ideas pop into my brain!

I now want a Shadow Garden!  It need not be elaborate but some small space that I can place plants with unique shaped blooms and leaves.  There would be the need for a backdrop of some sort to cast the shadows upon and, well, of course we would need the sun!  But wouldn't it be interesting to observe the shadows at different times of the day?  I could add a few items like wind chimes or trellises to add to the effect making this quite the interesting bit of the yard!  Why do folks not think of things like this?  A Shadow Garden could work just as well at night if a light source was included in the workup of the garden!  I may be onto something here!  MICHAEL!!!! I need your help!  I want to make a Shadow Garden as soon as we finish the Herb Garden!  MICHAEL!!!!

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