Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Once unknown..

As usual, I was out and about early this morning.  If I had to choose my one favorite time of the day, I would have to say it is right before and right at sunrise.  There is just something exciting about the start of the day!  Every thing is new, fresh and awake!  My hikes usually take me to the pier for the sunrise and then about the hillside.  I survey the area and make plans for the day. One of my biggest thrills is finding some new critter that has wandered in to unusual bird that has stopped at the feeders or a new plant that is in bloom.  The sunrise was gorgeous and my walk proved quite interesting!

This morning's find..a lovely little plant!  Walking through the gardens, I noticed a splash of purple down near the mulch.  Even from a distance, I knew the blooms were too large to be the Oxalis but I had no recollection of planting any other purple flowers in this particular garden.  This was exciting!! I eased over to the edge of the path to find out just what this bit of loveliness was!  Up close and personal...I still did not recognize this plant!  Could I have planted this and just not remember?  Umm..that would not be good! Investigating the plant closer, I have come to the conclusion that this is some sort of bulb.  Perhaps one of my kids planted it...or maybe a bird dropped a seed...or perhaps the wind donated a seed.  I suppose I will never know but I do like it!  It is quite a bright spot in the garden.  It would make me happy if it decided to multiply and fill the garden with purple! 

Now, here is a question to anyone who might know.  Is this a crocus?  I have no idea since I have never grown any before but it sort of resembles the pictures that I have seen.  And if it do I make it grow and multiply?  Any answers would be appreciated!  

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