Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Giant Butterfly of Happiness!

I could not help but take a ton of pictures today of a single butterfly that was visiting the zinnia garden.  It seemed that this butterfly was happy with itself and all that was in its path.  It flitted from bloom to bloom without a care in the world and caused me to ponder things a good bit.  Why can't we be more like that butterfly?  Why are we so stressed about our lives instead of just seeing the beauty that lies before us?  It just does not make sense to me.  The so-called "rat race" to get ahead financially sort of kills any chance of really sitting back and enjoying life. Is that "financial security" what brings happiness?  Henry David Thoreau once wrote.."Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder."  Now that makes sense to me.

The butterfly that visited the zinnias was a Giant Swallowtail.  It is one that lays its eggs chiefly on my citrus trees.  The caterpillars resemble bird poop and are called Orange Dogs.  As much as I do not relish critters munching on my plants, I usually leave these be simply because I do so love the "Flying Flowers" in my gardens.  This Giant Swallowtail enjoying the zinnia garden gives me a good reason to plant more zinnias in the future!  I am quite sure we have enough citrus trees to house many Orange Dogs!

I watched the butterfly for a good while before "turning my attention to other things".  No, the butterfly did not come sit on my shoulder but neither did it leave the zinnia garden.  All day, the butterfly stayed.  Its staying brought me a lot of happiness which  I figure was the best thing ever!

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