Sunday, August 25, 2013

Help! My "Rain Globe" is broken!

We have been having a very wet summer here on the Bayou.  More rain has fallen so far in the past few months than we normally get during this time of year.  This suits me just fine as stormy weather is by far my favorite.  I simply love a good thunderstorm.  It is a good thing that I feel this way since a front has been sitting on top of us for the past week.  Thick, heavy clouds have blanketed the skies blocking out any sun rays.  Why!  I cannot recall just what a sunny day is like!

While on the pier late this evening, I noticed one bright spot in the entire horizon!  There was no pretty sunset from my viewpoint on the Bayou but this spot stood out almost like a "sore thumb"!  That goofy imagination set to work with this little clearing and I could fully picture that we were in one of those cute little snow globe things.  Only instead of snow, we had rain clouds.  If the globe was shaken just a little, a deluge of water would douse the Little Bayou House!  But...that bright spot..that bright spot did not belong in my "rain globe".  Uh oh, my rain globe was broken!  My imagination decided that the break in the clouds was a hole in the glass dome over the Bayou!  All of my pretty little trinkets in the rain globe might just spill out if the globe was inverted!  That would never do!

Then another thought..perhaps..just perhaps..that hole was a portal to Heaven!  Perhaps I was getting a glimpse of what lies beyond this earthly place!  Perhaps those that have gone before us were taking a peek down at those still here!  Hi, Mom!  Hi, Pop!  This thought was much more pleasant than a smashed snow globe!  A portal to Heaven seems quite delightful!

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