Friday, September 20, 2013

On to Fall!

Finally!  Finally, today I found the first inkling that perhaps Fall is on its way!  There have been a few mornings of late the the temperatures suggested that the elusive season could well be on its way but today was the first sure sign!  I found one...count lovely leaf dressed in its fall attire!  Not an entire tree, mind you, but a single leaf!  Is it possible for a single leaf to elate a person to this point? Sure!  When it has been as hot and dry as this past leaf can, indeed, bring on a smile!  And it did!

The tiny leaf from the Black Gum tree came wafting down in the strong breeze that came with the rains earlier today.  I was outside trying to convince Ms. Ezzy that she really needed to chase the squirrels that were making short work of the sunflower seeds in the feeder.  Talking to this dog is sort of the same as having a chat with the proverbial brick wall.  Sometimes, I think I could have a much better conversation with a brick than this critter!  She has a knack of completely ignoring chatter when it does not suit her needs.  Still, chasing squirrels used to be her favorite pastime but now she would rather investigate a leaf.  The dog actually spotted the leaf before I did and she was most insistent on eating it!  Not my leaf!  This pretty multicolored leaf called for a photograph!  So, Ms. Ez was out of luck!  After I shooed her away from the leaf, I set to work getting the perfect picture.  I promptly forgot the dog. Usually, she is no problem as she is used to running free about the hillside. I figured she would eventually find that squirrel interesting and bound after it.  Not so!  When I finished my picture-taking minute, I searched for the dog.  By this time, she had found something interesting, alright...just not particularly what I had hoped.  She was sniffing mushrooms with all intentions of munching a few of those!  Oh, no!  You will not eat any more of those things!  I refuse to have to doctor you from stomach ailments due to stupidity!  Yes, I know that puffballs are supposed to be edible but, well, I am not taking the chance!  I shooed the dog away from the mushrooms.

I was rather relieved when this outing was cut short due to a sudden shower.  When the sprinkling started, Ms. Ez made a dash for the door.  She had enough of this outdoorsy stuff for the day! Silly dog!  I am happy with my one fall leaf and will not complain.  This is a harbinger of Fall and a bit of cooler weather..and..the rain is always welcome!

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