Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bayou Treasure!

Folks often ask me if I have ever found any treasure around the Bayou.  I always answer "Yes!" as treasure abounds in these parts.  Of course, my idea of treasure is not always what they had in mind when asking.  My treasure lies in the peace and beauty that is found here not some trinket that might have been lost long ago.  (Although, it would be interesting if I could find that oft talked-about pirate's treasure chest!)

With the recent mystery party that I held on the Bayou, I had the opportunity to create a treasure chest as a prop.  Part of the clue hunt led the "detectives" down near the pier (aka "Dock").  It was here that a myriad of things could be found with one being that chest of jewels!  When making this prop, I pulled anything that glittered from my stash of weird and wonderful items.  Two cheapo "silver" trays, lots of odds and ends of costume jewelry, a few weird trinkets and of course some "gold" coins.  I threw in a skull for that special "creep factor".  The treasure chest looked perfect and achieved the effect that I wanted to portray.  All in all, the "treasure" cost not a dime as it was all recycled stuff!  That is my kind of treasure, at least when I am the one having to provide it!

So, when folks ask about treasure on the Bayou, I suppose I can now truly answer that there indeed was at one time a treasure chest found here.  Then I will proceed to tell them about the true treasure which is the quality of life that can be had when one finds happiness within oneself and surroundings.

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