Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sometimes you've just got to wait!

There were two visitors to the pier.  Each waiting for me to throw the net and catch a few shrimp or menhaden.  These guys wanted supper and I was expected to serve it up nice and fresh.  One visitor was a patient gull while the other was an impatient heron.  The gull sat up on the pier post.  From that vantage point, he could watch my every move.  When I would pull in the net laden with menhaden, the gull would let out a loud shriek.  It was as if he was laying claim to each and every minnow or that he was boasting to the other gulls nearby.  Yet, he sat on the post and did not fly down to scoop up any.

The heron, on the other hand, was impatient.  He was having no part of that pole sitting and wanted to be right in the midst of things.  He was practically underfoot each time I threw the net.  His scurrying about the pier tickled me.  If the heron saw that I had the net in hand, he would come running up the pier.  When I actually threw the net, his excitement was almost overwhelming.  He would almost dance around me willynilly!  No sooner was the net back in hand than this bird would be frantically picking at the minnows.  

This kept on and on with each bird doing its own thing.  The gull stayed on top of the post while the heron ran hither and yon.  Soon, the heron grew tired and perhaps full.  He flew off to the marsh satisfied for the night.  The gull now had the pier to himself.  He softly flew down from his perch and eyed me carefully.  Was I going to feed him, too?  Sure, I tossed him a few minnows.  I am not one that would ignore any of my Bayou friends!  The gull stayed long enough to fill his belly then he was off to parts unknown.  

Goodbye, my friends, see you tomorrow!  Breakfast will be served bright and early!

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