Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the Bayou!  This is the first year in many that I did not outfit the Little Bayou House with all the trappings of the holiday.  I held the first annual Mystery Party here and decorated for that instead.  The house and yard were decorated as an abandoned place.  Sure some might say it was decorated for Halloween but I miss the traditional things.  I had tattered curtains, spiderwebs and an creepy old apothecary room but I miss the orange and black!  I miss the Jack-O-Lanterns and black cats!  I miss the full moon, owls and bats!  I miss scarecrows, cornstalks and crows.  I miss Halloween!

The pictures are ones I took last year when the Little Bayou House was filled with brightness.  Fall leaves and pumpkins filled every nook and cranny.  Today, being Halloween, I sat amidst the shadows of the "abandoned" house and dreamed of my decorations that are still all packed away in the dark corners of the closet.  This is no fun!  To make myself feel better, I browsed my photographs of Halloweens past and dreamed of next year!  Yes, I did say "annual" Mystery Party but somehow the Little Bayou House will be decorated for Halloween in 2014!  Perhaps the groups solving the next mystery can come in late September or early October so I will still have time to pull the ten or so boxes of black and orange items!

The only way that I could console myself was to think of Christmas! To make up for not having the house bedecked in Halloween, I plan to get an early start on the Christmas decorations!  Tomorrow, all of this drear shall be removed and the big boxes of tinsel and bows will be dragged downstairs!  Let Noel ring throughout the house.  Let the sounds of Silent Night echo across the Bayou!  Let the kitchen be filled with the aroma of baked goods! I love the holidays!  Oooh! Tinsel, lights, wreaths, garlands, gingerbread houses, trees, ornaments, sleigh bells, pine cones, cedar.....yep, I already feel better!

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