Monday, October 28, 2013

Blue Glowy Things..again!

Deep in the night by the light of only the moon, objects can take on a whole different appearance.  Things that lurk in the Bayou, whether they be live or inanimate, can sometimes be quite creepy.  Perhaps it is just the idea of being out on the marsh without the ability to fully distinguish what something is.  Case in point, those little glowy things again!  I have been told numerous times by some of the "Old Timers" around here that swamp gas sometimes can play strange things against your mind. Swamp gas supposedly creates luminescent bubbles that drift up from the marsh edge and float for a distance before sinking. I have seen these.  At first, I assumed that I was observing some fantastic "glow-in-the-dark" bugs that were flitting about the Bayou.  Then there are the blue glowy things that are submerged beneath the murky waters.  These things slowly move about the mud in the shallows.  I am still not sure what those are!  Perhaps we have bioluminescent fishies swimming around under the pier!  This is not too far-fetched as it may seem.  Moon Jellies, those little jelly fish that glow when you touch them, are always floating about the Bay.  Still, some things just cannot be explained.  Others are easy.

I was on the pier when I noticed a bright blue glow against the marsh.  It was obviously something floating and not submerged.  The sun had already set so taking a picture was far out of the question.  The "object" merely glowed and could not be identified.  I was fascinated to say the least.  Knowing that there was to be little wind during the night, I was confident that this might be still near the pier at daybreak.  Sure enough, my glowy thing was still shining bright come morning. The half moon was enough to see blue but nothing else. I was excited!  I was going to solve the mystery!  At daybreak, I was a bit disheartened.  My exciting glowy was not some yet undiscovered new critter.  It was a can.  Some litterbug had tossed their can out in my Bayou!  Ugh!  That was not nice at all!

I tried to scoop the can out of the water but to no avail. It was far out of my reach.  All I could do is watch as it filled with water as the waves bounced it against the marsh. The can eventually sank to the bottom where it now sits polluting my Bayou.  Why, oh, why must people be so heartless?

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