Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Autumn Peace

  Things have been in quite the hustle mode around the Bayou as of late.  The first running of the Annual Clue Hunt on the Bayou is in two days!  TWO DAYS!  I have been in a tizzy getting things prepared. There are so many last minute details that need attending to make the thing run smoothly.  Folks do not realize just how much energy goes into producing this event.  I run around doing this and doing that without ever taking a break.  Finally, the first group comes and things fall into place.  I breathe a sigh of relief and smile as I listen to the excitement in the team's voices.  It is all worth the effort.  

  Still, every now and again, I have to stop for a breath.  Usually, some critter catches my attention and I spend a few moments just enjoying the company.  This afternoon it was two critters and a gorgeous sky.  I have been so busy that Autumn fell in upon the Bayou without me noticing.  A certain serenity enveloped me as I watched to herons flying across the golden sky. The slow paced wing flap simply oozed peacefulness!  Wow! What a gorgeous sight!  What a much needed break. I drank in the view, breathed in the smells of Fall and relaxed a bit.  Things were good.

  The Bayou has a way of grounding me.  When I do have a case of the jitters, I can always depend on the area to bring me back to earth.  This scene today...did that.  I am ready to face the day tomorrow whatever it may bring.

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