Thursday, October 1, 2015

Dead Cameras, Old Photographs and Beautiful Birds!

  Of all times for a camera to die, mine did just that today.  I have the first run of the Annual Clue Hunt on the Bayou tomorrow evening and will not have my favorite camera to take pictures.  It just up and died.....bit the dust.....gave up the goodbye to this world.  I am lost.  Son says I worked it to death and I suppose I did.  In the period of time that I have had this old thing, I have taken well over 40,000...(yes, 40,000) photographs.  I did indeed get Mark's money's worth from this one.  This was the second of this type camera that he bought for me.  I loved it so very much that when the first one died (probably from overuse as well!), he searched until he found another.  It was the best Christmas gift ever!  And now this one is gone.....booo!

  Anyway, that said, you will have to be happy with a photograph from my stash.  This is of one of the beautiful Black Skimmers that frequent the Bayou.  They are some of my favorite birds merely because they are so graceful.  These birds can "skim" the with their beaks wide open. They will only be a few inches above the water while they feed.  The bird is born with its top and bottom section of the beak the same length but as it develops, the bottom beak becomes longer than the top. There is also a special "hinge" on the top portion of the beak,This allows for the skimming ability.  The Black Skimmer is the only bird in the United States with this unique beak.  The bottom part of the beak skims in the water until the bird "feels" something.  The top part slams down upon the fish and the bird gulps it.  It can do this without ever missing a wing beat! 

  Hopefully, I can figure out the new camera before long and be back in the swing of things soon.  Please pardon the use of an old photograph!

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