Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Let Me In!!!

  I get more critter visitors than I do human.  Here on the Bayou, critters abound but it is a rare occasion when a person decides to call.  I do not mind at all as most of the time, I prefer the critters over humans.  They never complain, never nag and sure do not talk about you behind your back!  Critters seem to have a bit more class!  (Just a little joke there...folks.  Oh, on second thought...maybe not.  I stand by my original statement!)  Anyway, today I had both.  My sweet sister-in-law came to have lunch with me.  We dined upon seafood and salad and had a grand time.  She departed shortly afterwards leaving me to my clue hunt work.  The greenhouse is currently being transformed so out I went.  Along about an hour later, I heard a rattling at the backdoor.  Ms. Nycto, the Bayou Princess, (cat) wanted inside.  This was a bit odd as she normally does not like being in the greenhouse.  It is too noisy for her liking since squirrels keep pounding the roof with acorns.  Still there she was trying to get inside.  There was nothing for me to do other than to bide by her wishes.

  When I opened the door, I saw that another critter was visiting as well. Just off of the deck, a raccoon was busy eating the acorns that the squirrels were dropping.  The little rascal was feasting on the squirrels' leftovers.  Smart coon!  No climbing was required for it to get a bellyful!  

  The young raccoon looked up at me but was not deterred from its dining.  Ms. Nycto scooted through the open door and then eyed the coon from the door's window. She was safe from the monster!  Ahhh, Bayou Princess!  I knew that you prefer my company over the wild critters of the Bayou!

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