Monday, September 28, 2015

Full Moon, Blue Moon, Blood Moon, Super Moon, Harvest Moon, Lunar Eclipse...My Goodness!

  Here lately, it seems that everyone is talking about the moon.  Those so inclined have been spouting things about the "End of Time".  Those who believe in superstitions think the Blood Moon is when we will all perish.  To others, the Blue Moon changes colors.  I even heard one person exclaim that the Super Moon was going to crash into the Earth....Hmmmm?  Well, my take?  Whatever.

  I was a bit interested in the eclipse but Mother Nature did not cooperate with my plans.  She provided a thick layer of clouds to completely shroud the moon.  As far as I could see...there was no moon.  No visible moon meant no visible I went to bed. This morning, however, there was a gorgeous moon beaming through the west window.  At 4:30 this morning, I was up and ready for coffee. As I wobbled my way through the dining room to the kitchen, I noticed that it sure was bright.  Knowing that the sun would not be up for a couple of hours and this light was coming from the west, I peered out the window.  Yep, the moonlight was finally able to burst through the clouds and come spilling through the windows.  It was gorgeous!  

  My sighting of the evasive moon lasted just about ten minutes. Clouds soon blocked it totally and left the hillside in total darkness once again. I may have missed the eclipse but I had a lovely time visiting with Mr. Moon!  A cup of coffee, a bowl of oatmeal and the moonbeams filling the dining room with soft light is a great way to start a morning.

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