Sunday, September 27, 2015


  My day started out with a bang!  I was up before dawn, had breakfast and started working.  It was to be a day that I accomplished what I set out to do.  My first goal was to decorate the storage room for the clue hunt.  This windowless room was to become a shop of sorts and I needed to redo everything.  Yesterday, I had made a clean sweep of the area.  Everything was removed from the room which left me with a clean slate to use.  I had incredible ideas of just how it was to look so I set my mind to creating the perfect spot.  Boxes and boxes of "stuff" were hauled from the house and shoved in one corner.  I wanted everything close at hand so I could delve right into my task. 

  Both doors to the room were flung open so I could take advantage of the cool breeze.  This was perfect.  I started filling the shelves with my props when suddenly Ms. Nycto, the Bayou Princess (aka cat) came barreling into the room.  She scooted under a chair and was not about to even look at me.  Well now! I wondered what had gotten into that cat?  Boom!  Uh, oh.  Suddenly a torrential downpour started pelting the rooftop.  I was trapped!  There was no escaping the store room.  If I made a dash for the house, I would be soaked to the bone!   So....Ms. Nycto and I stayed put for the next three hours!  

 It was not all bad, though.  In those three hours, I completely transformed the store room into a "Shop of Curiosities".  I feel good about my efforts and hope those attending the clue hunt appreciate my being cut off from the world for three whole hours!  I, also, got in a good amount of petting time with the cat.  She decided that my company was rather nice during a thunderstorm! 

  Tomorrow sees me transforming the greenhouse.  My day will start about the same as it did today AND we are predicted to have more rain. I might become trapped in the greenhouse for most of the day....guess I had better pack a lunch!  Fun stuff!

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