Friday, October 2, 2015

Leaving a Space for Critters

The egrets around the Bayou tend to stick together when resting.  They nest in huge rookeries back in the creek.  At certain times (if you are lucky), you can see hundreds of the birds perched high in the trees. This is a matter of protecting each other since if one sounds the alarm, all will know.  While hiking, coming across such a fine sight as good number of large, white birds is exciting.  There is just a bit of a thrill knowing that you are seeing such a marvel. The egrets are quite often preening themselves and, at times, the downy soft plumes will float to the ground like some wispy snowflake. 

  The rookery in our creek is probably nearing its end due to the influx of humans in the area.  Houses are being built on the opposite side of the Bayou so trees are being cut at a rapid rate.  It makes me sad to think it could be the end of an era for the birds...and me, in a sense.  I love the critters of the Bayou and the loss of even one hurts me.  Let that loss be due to human intrusion and it makes me even sadder.  It will not be long before there is not a lot of wooded areas left for wildlife to claim as their own.  When the birds feel they are in peril by the encroachment of people, they will leave.  

  Mark and I try to leave as much of our property as a place for critters. Our creek has not been touched for years just so the birds and other critters can live in peace.  Hopefully, it will encourage the critters to stay.  Hopefully.

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