Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Little Foresight Would be Priceless!

 Son has this saying that "Hindsight is worthless unless you learn from it, while a little foresight could be priceless regardless."  He is always spouting some bits of wisdom that could come in handy if only I could remember them when the time comes that they are needed.  It never seems to work that way and I always go about lamenting my missteps. The art of having foresight would be grand but at least I try to look at the hindsight as a learning tool.  This does not mean that I will not make the same mistakes over and over again but, hey, at least I try!

  It seems that I am not the only one that does not "think before I leap" or as Son would say "Two steps in the right direction might save you a lot of pie."  I am not quite sure what he means by this one but surely it has some profound idea behind it.  Today, however, I found that one of my friends did not use a lot of thought before stepping those two steps. The Black Swallowtail Butterfly that frequents the garden did not think through laying her eggs this time of year.  My fennel is covered with the caterpillars!  With the weather forecast calling for a bit of icy weather in a few days, those caterpillars might be in a bit of trouble!  Am I the only one fretting over such things?  Probably.  Son reprimands me for "interfering with nature" when I move the plants and their munchers into the greenhouse so I am trying hard to resist the urge to dig up the huge fennel plant and cart it into a warmer spot.  Poor babies!

  In a weird sort of way, this whole situation makes me feel not quite so inept.  If others (even if they are critters) are making mistakes, then I am not alone in this.  At least I did not leave my kids out in the cold...unlike the "mother" butterfly!


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