Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jewel-eyed and Blue-throated!

  There are several cormorants hanging about the Bayou recently.  They, along with other waterfowl, have flown in to spend the winter with us.  I am sure that just about now, they are wondering why in the world they ever left their summer home as the weather has not been exactly agreeable with their migration.  Things will change soon and they will be happy that they made the flight.  In the meantime, the cormorants are happy campers with the Bay full of little fish.  Feeding time is easy. 

  While most folks think that cormorants are strange birds and are not too pretty, I find them "strangely beautiful".  Even though the birds often appear to be jet black, their feathers are actually iridescent.  If the sunlight hits the feathers in a certain way, the bird is gorgeous!  While their plumage is quite notable, it is their eyes that I find captivating.  If you ever manage to get close enough to come "eye to eye", you will notice that cormorants have bright greenish blue eyes.  The teal color stands out against their dark feather with a certain flair!  These eyes sparkle like jewels!  The eyes are set off by a bit of reddish orange around the face.  AND...the cormorants' throats are blue on the inside!  Imagine that! If you ever had the chance to peer down the gullet of a cormorant, you would find it bright blue!

  While I never have the chance to come face to face with the cormorants, I am happy they call the Bayou home during the winter months.  It makes me happy to have them around....even with their weird bird design!

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