Friday, January 25, 2019

Following The Dog's Lead

  For the past two mornings, Mr. PJ has been a bit reluctant to do his morning business far down the hill.  We usually take a hike along the marsh edge until he comes to his favorite spot.  He then exits the path in a small clearing and does his thing.  Yesterday and today, however, he has stubbornly tried to go back to the Little Bayou House long before we get to the clearing.  He swerves, goes around me and tries to retrace his steps.  He just plain does not want to go down the path.  Later in the day, he has no problem with following the same route.  Now I am wondering what he senses just beyond the next curve.  Our hikes are early morn and darkness still lingers beneath the heavy oaks.  The path is lined with underbrush and vision is often obscured by both shadows and trees.  Is there something lurking there?  Is something just waiting for us to haphazardly walk into range?  I have no idea.  Both days, I have given in to his better judgment and we have returned to the house.  

  This morning's hike did have me a bit antsy even before we reached the "dreaded" spot.  I kept having the feeling that I was being watched.  My uneasiness coupled with that of the old dog, was enough to make me start really looking for the "culprit".  After a few moments, I found my "staring eyes".  A great blue heron was looking down upon us from a tall pine.  I figured it was his stare that sent chills up my spine but this was far from where PJ has his senses alerted to something unseen.  The heron was not the cause of the old dog's wariness.  Something else was just down the path!

  For now, I am thinking that the dog and I should wait until the sun rises over the pines before we venture too far into the dark path.  There must be a good reason for him to be hesitant.  Mr. PJ is old and not as steady as he once was.  While I know he would try his best to defend me from whatever "evil" lurks in the shadows, there is no need for him to be stressed.  Whether this unseen foe is a coyote, bobcat or some other "predator", tempting fate is not a good thing.  Mr. PJ will just get to sleep a bit longer on these upcoming colder mornings.  I am thankful for his alertness and for his stubbornness!  Good job, Old Boy!

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