Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Moe Is Hungry!

  Late this afternoon, Mark and I slipped out the door to get a bit of fresh air.   It had been drizzling rain most of the day so this was our chance to escape the confines of the Little Bayou House.  Our hike started back by the canebrake and took us the long way around the marsh to the pier.  Ahh...my favorite place to be!  As we walked down the length of the pier, a friend happily awaited our arrival.  Moe, the Great Blue Heron, patiently sat atop one of the pier posts.  As we neared. the bird never moved.  I was within an arm's reach, all the while snapping photos, and he just sat posing for me.  After our photo shoot, I asked Mark to fetch the net so we could reward our sweet friend.

  Mark caught six or eight small mullet and Mr. Moe happily gulped them down.  Then on the last throw, Mark caught several small mullet and one that was rather large.  Well, Moe scooped up one tiny fish then made a leap to grab the big one.  Oh, was he happy!  His belly would be full tonight!

  Mr. Moe struggled to hold onto the large mullet as he flew to the marsh.  He knew better than to try to eat the big fish on the pier.  There was a chance that the fish would flip out of his mouth and back into the water.  In the marsh, there are huge mats of dead reeds that have been tumbled by the tide.  These mats make for a fine place for the birds to dine.  If they drop a fish, it merely falls on the mat and they can readily grab it again.  Moe is smart.  Too smart.  He has figured out that we will feed him and also that the marsh mats make an ideal dining table.  I wonder what he will learn next!  I love this bird.

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