Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Something BIG! Something UGLY!

  The Bayou is full of surprises.  Some are good.  Some not so good.  Usually, I try to find some positive aspect about everything but, at times, there are things that just can't go there at all. It seems that the people on the other side of the Bay use the water as their personal dumping site.  With the south winds and change in tides, guess where all of that trash collects??  Yep, in the Bayou.  The way the Bayou is situated it is more or less like a giant funnel from the Bay.  As the tide rises, items wash into the nooks and crannies of each little pass.  They are shoved far to the back near the creek.  Then, when the tide falls, everything that has been washed in...stays in.  It collects in the marsh and becomes an eyesore for those of us used to the beauty of the place. 

  Recently, we had a stout wind from the southeast.  This pushed the tide up over the pier and washed tons of garage up into the marsh. I reach what I can.  Using a long handled scoop net, I try to retrieve any items that I can lift.  Some are just too large or are too far out of reach.  Nope.  I am not traipsing out into the marsh to fetch some garbage tossed by disrespectful people.  Years ago while spearheading a cleanup drive, my sister made signs that stated "Only trash litters".  It made sense to me and stuck in my head.  Only trash litter...trashy people toss their garbage into the water, on the sides of roads and in the woods.  Oh, come on, people!!!  Get real!  It cannot be that hard to find a garbage can.  

  The aforementioned wind and high tide brought in a strange looking piece of something.  I am not quite sure just what this barnacle-covered thing is but it sure is trashing up the marsh.  The "whatever" is far too large for me to scoop in my net and far to heavy for me to roll ashore using a rod.  Each time I near this area, I cringe at the thought of the "thing" staying there for eternity..or at least until the next hurricane.  Then...this item will most likely be tossed further up in the yard and wind up battering the house.  Not fun.  So..I will keep trying to think of a way to retrieve the thing short of traipsing out among the gators, snapping turtles and moccasins.  It is UGLY! And BIG!  A BIG UGLY thing tossed out by trashy people.

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